This product has been developed to instill a savings culture among Sacco Members.

  • Each member is required to save a minimum of Ugx. 100,000/= (Uganda Shillings One Hundred Thousand).
  • Additional savings can be made at any given time of the month.
  • Deposits are part of the basis for a Sacco Member’s borrowing.
  • Active deposits attract annual interest which shall be declared at the next year’s Annual General meeting.
  • All members’ deposits are held in trust for them by the Sacco. The Sacco has the right to deny annual interest on dormant accounts.
  • Deposits committed by a guarantor cannot be claimed by such member until the member they guaranteed clears their loan obligation with the Sacco.
  • An annual welfare fee fund of Ugx.100,000/= shall be deducted from every Member’s account before the end of 31st January each year.
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

This product has been developed for the children of the principal Sacco Members.

  • A child shall subscribe to the SACCO at half the share number of the adult subscription, (50 shares at entry), which will amount to Ugx.750,000 /= (Uganda Shillings; Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Shillings Only)
  • A child or children can subscribe to the SACCO with Ugx.100,000/= (Uganda Shillings One Hundred Thousand only)
  • An annual welfare fee fund of Ugx.100,000/= shall be deducted from every Toto account before the end of 31st January each year.
  • Totos shall be required to deposit a minimum savings amount of Ugx. 100,000/= (Uganda Shillings One Hundred Thousand) monthly and consistently.
  • Additional savings can be deposited on the Child’s Account at any given day of the month.
  • Rejoining or reactivation fees of Ugx. 100,000/= (Uganda Shillings One Hundred Thousand) apply to the Toto Account during the rejoining of the Sacco or Reactivation of a previously dormant Toto Account.
  • Toto savings can be used as loan security for the Toto’s Principal or that child’s school fees loan.
  • A member can decide to open 1 (0ne) joint children’s account that shall still meet the above terms and conditions..

This product is for Sacco members who wish to save for a specific goal; such as starting a business, recapitalization of a business, buying a car, buying land, saving for a vacation, or any other personal development or investment venture.

This account works like a fixed deposit account. It helps members put aside money for a specific period; this can be a short, medium, and long term

  • The member shall maintain their Ordinary/General Savings account.
  • The member shall make any additional savings depending on the terms within their legacy policy.
  • Active deposits on the legacy account shall attract annual interest which shall be declared at the year’s Annual General meeting.
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

This Product is for Members who wish to save for their child or children’s university tuition.

  • The member shall maintain their Ordinary/General Savings account.
  • The member shall make any additional savings depending on the terms within their Uni Savings policy.
  • Active deposits on the Uni Account shall attract annual interest which shall be declared at the next year’s Annual General meeting.

KCW Cooperative Society